As the blustery winter weather gusts across Reindeer Lake, we at Lawrence Bay Lodge are dreaming of the spring season ahead and the opportunity to head out on a boat and go fly fishing. But while we are waiting for the weather to warm up and the pike to start biting, we will be hard at work fly tying. Interested in taking up this hobby to keep the fishing spirit alive throughout the frozen winter months? We have a few words of advice to help you get started with this hobby.
Create Your Perfect Workspace
Before you try your hand at fly tying, it is important to set yourself up in a comfortable workspace. Whether you will be creating your flies at your garage workbench or the kitchen table, a well organized and properly lighted space is key. Small storage bins are perfect for keeping your supplies in order and on hand for when you need them, and magnetic pads will keep your hooks from dropping as you work. Tying fly heads takes a lot of practice and magnetic pads will prevent you from getting overly frustrated – or pricked by a hook – as you start tying. With a good tabletop light, a compartmentalized system and magnets on hand, you are ready to hone your new craft.
Invest in a Good Pair of Scissors
Instead of using one pair of scissors for all your fly tying needs, it is important to invest in a good pair specifically for cutting fine materials and a second, durable pair for cutting wire and thick materials. This will keep you from damaging your fine scissors and will ensure precision cutting as you work.
Be on the Lookout for Supplies
There are so many supplies to choose from when creating fly ties that it can be overwhelming at first. Once you get comfortable with and understand the use for the basic materials available at your local fly shop, consider looking around craft stores for feathers, string and more. These shops are likely to offer their supplies at a lower price, and you never know what unique treasures you may stumble upon inside.
Don’t Forget to Have Fun
Learning the art of fly tying is all about trial and error, so as you experiment on your designs, be ready for failure. Not all your creations will lure in the big fish, but that’s ok. The more practice you have, the better your designs will get. And the only way you can find out if your fly ties work is by going fishing! Not only can fly tying be extremely rewarding out on the water, but it is a great way to pass the cold winter months and an interesting and fun skill to pass on to your children and grandchildren.
For more fly tying tips and tricks, visit On the Vise. Does all this talk about fishing have you interested in planning a trip to the Saskatchewan? Get your lures ready and contact us at 701-262-4560 to plan your fly fishing vacation to Lawrence Bay Lodge. We look forward to seeing you here!