New App Organizes Your Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Here at Lawrence Bay Lodge we love to keep everyone up to date on new technology that makes hunting easier. And we recently discovered a cool new app called “Pursuit” that will do just that!

Pursuit is a virtual wallet that lets you store all of your hunting and fishing license information in one place. Pretty cool, right? With Pursuit downloaded onto your smartphone, there is no more worrying about forgetting your ID at home!

The app sends out reminders when your licenses have expired and will even store all those state sportsmen’s IDs, which everyone forgets about, when they really shouldn’t. It also gives a direct link to every state’s digital portal to buy these licenses. This will save every hunter and fisher out there so much time in renewals.

Another awesome feature is the field notes section of the app. There are location based notes for all of your hunting and fishing pursuits; so you will never forget the sweet spots that you would like to keep going back to year after year! The information that you record is stored in your device forever, staying private – not to be shared with others that may want to creep into your territory.

Once you download it, this app is one that you will surely want to take advantage of during this year’s excursion to Lawrence Bay Lodge! With Pursuit in hand, you can mark your favorite spots while you are out fishing or hunting with us around Reindeer Lake.

Haven’t booked your upcoming excursion yet? Visit us online to learn more about our hunting and fishing experiences and give us a call at 701-262-4560 to plan your trip.
