The Seasons of Saskatchewan: Summer

Canada’s weather is something you want to be ready for, despite the time of year. This is part two of our four-part blog series touching on how the weather affects your stay in Saskatchewan.

The summers here open up a myriad of various activities like boating, canoeing, and camping. Saskatchewan has several regional parks and thirty-four provincial parks. These are great for hiking and exploring the wildlife of Saskatchewan.

The temperatures begin to rise in late May to the mid-30s C (86-90F) and remain in the high 30s throughout most of August. Saskatchewan sees more sun than any other province, and in addition to our bright sunny days, we often see cool, relaxing nights.

Since we receive the most sunshine, The Canadian Cancer Society produced an article on how to protect yourself while adventuring out. The fishing is phenomenal here in summer, so hours on the water can take its toll on your skin.

“If you can, plan your outdoor activities before 11 a.m. or after 4 p.m., when the sun is not at its strongest, or any time of the day when the UV Index is 3 or less.

If your shadow is shorter than you are, it’s time to find some shade or go inside. If you can’t find shade, create your own. Take along an umbrella – that way you can have shade wherever you need it”.

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