Fishing for a Trophy-Size Catch: What to Keep in Mind

Trophy Fishing in Saskatchewan

If you’re an experienced angler, heading to the same spots to catch the same average fish over and over again can get dull and tiresome. The sport loses its thrill when you’re constantly setting the record for how many little guys you throw in your bucket or back out to the water in a single trip.

If this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to move on to the next step in your angling career—catching a trophy fish. Keep these key tips in mind for your next trip out to the water and you’ll be sure to reel in your biggest fish yet!

Research the best locations.

Going to your regular spots hoping for a trophy fish is a waste of time. For the best chance at a bigger catch, look into the best locations before you head out. Think about the species you want to target and look at fishing reports and records for bodies of water in your area.

Remember though: quantity does not necessarily equal quality. Choose a location known for its rate of trophy catches, not just an abundance of fish. Focus on areas with catch and release programs, so you’ll be sure to have ample opportunity for success.

Concentrate on maintaining maximum leverage with your rod.

The bigger the fish you’re trying to reel in, the more leverage you’ll need to pull the extra weight. Keep both hands on the rod, holding it in the center of your chest so that your own weight is equally distributed around it. You’re less likely to be pulled to one side or the other and lose balance while reeling in your catch this way.

Take the time to think about the technique you want to use beforehand as well. There are a lot of different tactics for fishing certain species, particularly if you’re aiming for a trophy size. Knowing how you’re going to reel one in ahead of time will allow you to prepare your setup and be ready to act when you hook a fish.

Stay calm when you get a bite.

Hooking a trophy fish is riveting experience, but if you panic or get overexcited you can lose it in the same instant. Focus on steadily reeling in your catch and let your equipment do its job. Be patient and let the fish tire out if you need to—it’s not a race.

Also, try not to jerk while fighting a trophy-size fish. Even a brief jerk will create a momentary slack in the line, giving your fish the chance they need to pop off.

If you’re an angler looking for the best opportunity to catch a trophy fish in Saskatchewan, there’s nowhere better than Lawrence Bay Lodge! Our location on Reindeer Lake, as well as our catch and release program, gives our guests access to high populations of trophy-sized northern pike, walleye, arctic grayling, and lake trout.

Contact our team today to book the fishing experience of a lifetime this summer!