Category: Fishing Tips

What to Consider When Choosing a Fishing Rod

If you want to be a successful angler, you need to have the right equipment. There are a lot of supplies and equipment fishing requires, but your rod is one of the most important pieces. You can have all the skill in the world, but if you pick up the wrong rod, it won’t make… Read more »

5 of The Biggest Fishing Mistakes that May Be Affecting Your Game

Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, you keep coming back from your fishing excursions empty-handed? You spend hours scouring the water, casting, and waiting, and all you have to show for your hard work and patience is a few small fish, or maybe even none at all. If this sounds… Read more »

Fishing & Fitness: Exercises to Help You Out on the Water

When you say you’re going fishing, most people have a leisurely picture in their head of what it entails. They might imagine you lounging in a boat or a chair on the shore, relaxing carelessly until you feel a bite. Then you casually reel in your catch or have to briefly stand up and give… Read more »

Early Spring Fishing Tips to Start Your Season Off Right

If you’re not one of those ambitious, dedicated anglers who takes to the water in the frigid winter temperatures, then now is probably about the time you’re gearing up for your first fishing trip of the season. Early spring can be a great time to fish for a variety of different species, such as bass,… Read more »

5 Ways You Can Help Ward Off Invasive Species as a Fisherman

Most anglers have a list of favorite spots they like to choose from when they’re planning a trip out to the water. You probably prefer going to these places because you have the most fishing success there. One of the biggest reasons you’re able to enjoy these ample fishing opportunities is because the local ecosystems… Read more »

Fishing Etiquette: The Do’s & Don’ts of the Water

One of the best parts about fishing is sharing in your passion with other dedicated fishermen. Sure, sometimes it’s nice to go to your own little hole and enjoy an afternoon of tranquility to yourself. But there’s something special about being out on the water with people who, while still in their own element, are… Read more »

5 Things You Can Do to Become a Better Fisherman

A dedicated fisherman should always be looking for ways to hone their craft. When you’re a beginner, it’s all about mastering basic skills and building your confidence. For experienced anglers who have spent years on the water and could reel in a catch in their sleep, it may seem like there’s no room left for… Read more »

5 Ways You Can Practice Sustainable Fishing

When you’re constantly out on the water, under the blazing sun and bright blue sky, watching the aquatic wildlife swim below you, you develop a special appreciation and respect for the environment. It’s hard not to feel a duty to protect and preserve the natural world around you when you spend so much time reaping… Read more »

The Best Tips for Fishing in the Rain

When a newbie fisherman wakes up the morning of their trip and sees that it’s raining, they’ll probably sigh in disappointment and postpone their excursion. An experienced angler, on the other hand, will recognize an exciting opportunity for a better haul. Unlike many outdoor activities, rain doesn’t have to put a damper on your fishing… Read more »

Fishing for a Trophy-Size Catch: What to Keep in Mind

If you’re an experienced angler, heading to the same spots to catch the same average fish over and over again can get dull and tiresome. The sport loses its thrill when you’re constantly setting the record for how many little guys you throw in your bucket or back out to the water in a single… Read more »

Tips to Help You Catch Your Next Lake Trout

Did you know the largest lake trout ever caught with a reel weighed 72 pounds? That feat is even more impressive if you’re an experienced angler who knows how difficult it can be to catch this elusive species! When you head out to the bountiful waters of Reindeer Lake, your chances of reeling in a… Read more »

The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Child’s First Fishing Trip

One of the best parts of fishing, whether you’re an enthusiastic angler or just an outdoorsman who likes to head to the lake a few times each summer, is sharing it with your kids. You probably still remember your first family fishing trip like it was yesterday—maybe it’s even what sparked the love you have… Read more »