A visit to Lawrence Bay Lodge is a chance to enjoy the great outdoors, and spending time outdoors is good for your health.
Sunlight helps boost your vitamin D levels. Epidemiologic studies suggest that exposure to sunlight may have protective effects against everything from osteoporosis to cancer to depression to heart attacks and stroke.
Time outdoors typically involves getting more exercise than sitting at home on the couch watching TV. You can hike in the woods, take a row boat out on the lake, or go fishing outdoors, all of which involve physical activity.
Light exercise outdoors tends to put people in good moods. Have you noticed you feel more relaxed and cheerful when doing things outdoors? Nature has a way of elevating one’s mood. Surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature, we feel more alive.
Interestingly, a 2008 study found that children with ADHD scored higher on a test of concentration after a walk through a park than after a walk through a residential neighborhood or downtown area. Could walking in nature help with concentration? Yes.
Finally, people seem to heal faster when they’re in an environment that’s exposed to natural light and nature-filled. Think about it this way: if you were feeling sick, would you rather stare at a blank wall all day, or sit in a chair outdoors taking in all the sights and sounds of nature around you?
Lawrence Bay Lodge, located on Reindeer Lake in Northern Saskatchewan, is an ideal place to visit to spend time outdoors. People come to Reindeer Lake from all over the world for some of the best fresh water northern pike, walleye, arctic grayling and lake trout fishing to be had in Canada, as well as to hunt moose and bear at our base camp.
For more information about taking a trip to Lawrence Bay Lodge, please call 701.262.4560.